Environmental Consulting

proficient • environmental • navigators

Point Blue provides seasoned environmental consulting services, including expertise in property transfer and due care, site investigation and site remediation, storage tanks, brownfield programs, and vapor intrusion. Point Blue also assists clients with projects requiring asbestos and industrial hygiene services.

  • Property Transfer

    Point Blue navigates environmental needs associated with property transfers for our clients by focusing on environmental assessments, primarily Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, in accordance with ASTM E1527-21 to satisfy All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI). Point Blue performs comprehensive environmental site assessments to support development, real estate transactions, and financial loans (including financing and refinancing). In Michigan, this process is also a required element of a Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) for liability protection.

    Check out a related blog post here

  • Site Investigation & Remediation

    Point Blue provides expertise in the areas of site investigation and remediation services, including risk evaluation and liability mitigation. Navigating the complexities of state and federal regulatory programs, our team works to provide comprehensive environmental services to identify, investigate, and clean-up contaminated sites. Point Blue calls upon its expertise in soil, sediment, groundwater, surface water, air, and waste to provide clients with turn-key services from initial assessment and investigation through identifying site-specific alternatives and site remediation.

  • Storage Tanks

    Point Blue provides regulatory guidance and environmental services for the identification, and proper closure (removal or closure in place) of underground storage tanks storing regulated fluids. Expertise includes Michigan Part 213 (Leaking Underground Storage Tanks) and the Michigan Underground Storage Tank Rules (MUSTR). Point Blue also provides guidance on using the Michigan Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to assist in helping recover the costs of investigation, cleanup, and release closure.

    Check out a related blog post here.

  • Vapor Intrusion

    Vapor intrusion (VI) can occur on sites where contaminants are present. Some of the more typical sites with vapor intrusion issues include gas stations, dry cleaners, or industrial operations that use metal parts degreasers. Point Blue provides expertise in pathway evaluation, soil gas and sub slab soil gas sample collection, source investigation/identification and mitigation. Vapor intrusion occurs when vapors from chemicals in contaminated groundwater or soil migrate through subsurface soils and preferential pathways to impact the indoor air quality of overlying and adjacent buildings. Common chemicals resulting in vapor intrusion include benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), vinyl chloride.

    Check out a related blog post here.

  • Asbestos

    Point Blue provides building and property owners with pre-demolition and pre-renovation asbestos assessments. The assessments are performed by Point Blue’s licensed asbestos inspectors to evaluate and identify the potential presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM) in buildings. Federal and state regulations require the assessment of potential ACMs prior to beginning a renovation or demolition on a building. Point Blue can guide you through the process of asbestos compliance.

  • Brownfield Programs

    Since creation in 1995, USEPA Brownfield Programs have shifted the way that communities manage contaminated property. Point Blue provides brownfield site expertise for the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of properties that are challenged by the presence or potential presence of hazardous substances and contaminants. Point Blue works with local Brownfield Redevelopment Authorities to drive redevelopment opportunities, provide funding assistance, demolition, due care/reasonable measures, and risk evaluation. The goal of risk management and reinvestment at Brownfield sites helps to reduce blight while protecting the environment.

    Check out a related blog post here.

  • Due Care

    An owner or operator (regardless of liability status) of contaminated property is still responsible for “due care” obligations under Michigan law. Due care actions are necessary to protect people from unacceptable exposure to contaminated soil, groundwater and/or vapors. Point Blue prepares due care plans to ensure that precautions are taken so that existing contamination is not exacerbated and that unacceptable exposure risk is addressed.

  • Third Party Review & Expert Witness

    Point Blue scientists can serve as expert witnesses for projects that require a high level of technical understanding including groundwater and contaminant transport, environmental industrial practices, and geology/hydrogeology. Point Blue can also provide clients with an unbiased evaluation of a project that requires third party review.